AngularJS & Popup Windows
Popup windows are extremely annoying hence most modern browsers block them, agreeably so.
That being said one use of popup windows is when doing OAuth. Showing the OAuth authorization dialog in a
popup window as not to confuse the user.
If there is a better or different way please comment below.
All the code can be found at angular-popup.
Here is how I solved it using a simple express 4
application and the accompanying AngularJS.
The express code is very simple it just creates two routes.
The root/index route renders the view to bootstrap the angular application.
The angular app has one default route /
with its controller set to PopupCtrl
. In the template popup.html
using ng-click
we call the function bound on the $scope
called showPopup
. This is the code for PopupCtrl
Read the inline comments;
popupApp.controller('PopupCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', '$interval', function PopupCtrl($scope, $window, $interval) {
'use strict';
// assign the current $scope to $window so that the popup window can access it
$window.$scope = $scope;
$scope.showPopup = function showPopup(){
// center the popup window
var left = screen.width/2 - 200
, top = screen.height/2 - 250
, popup = $'/popup', '', "top=" + top + ",left=" + left + ",width=400,height=500")
, interval = 1000;
// create an ever increasing interval to check a certain global value getting assigned in the popup
var i = $interval(function(){
interval += 500;
try {
// value is the user_id returned from paypal
if (popup.value){
} catch(e){
}, interval);
We tell the popup to load up the /popup
URL which our express app will render the server side jade template.
extends layout
block content
<h1>I'm a popup</h1>
window.opener.$scope.says = 'teapot';
window.value = true;
}, 2000);
The template above is simple enough. All it does is after two seconds assing to window.value
to indicate to the $interval
the popup has done something important. The popup also assigns a value to window.opener.$scope
which is the $scope
that was assigned
in PopupCtrl.
As we have used ng-model
in the default routes template
a we will see the text teapot appear in the text input.
Hope this makes sense.