Mocking a function that returns a (bluebird) Promise"

Mocking a function that returns a (bluebird) Promise"
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten / Unsplash

With Sinon.JS mocking functions are quite easy. Here is how to stub a function
that returns a Promise.

Demonstrated with a potato quality example. Imagine the following code is in a file named

var Promise = require('bluebird');

module.exports.query = function query(q) {
  return Promise.resolve([
      username: 'bulkan',
      verified: true

Using bluebird we simulate a database query which returns a Promise that is
resolved with an Array of Objects.

Imagine the following code located in users.js;

var db = require('./db');

module.exports.getVerified = function getVerified(){
  return db.query('select * from where verified=true');

The mocha unit test for the above which stubs out db.query that is called
in users.js;

var db = require('./db')
  , should  = require('chai').should()
  , sinon = require('sinon')
  , users;

describe('Users', function(){
  var sandbox, queryStub;

    sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
    queryStub = sandbox.stub(db, 'query');
    users = require('./users');


  it('getVerified should return a resolved Promise', function(){
    queryStub.returns(Promise.reject('still resolved'));
    var p = users.getVerified();
    return p;

In the beforeEach and afterEach functions of the test we create a sinon
sandbox which is slightly over kill for this example but it allows you to stub
out a few methods without worrying about manually restoring each stub later on as
you can just restore the whole sandbox as demonstrated in the afterEach.

There is one test case that tells the queryStub to return a Promise that is rejected.
Then test that the promise that users.getVerified returns is resolved. Mocha now
will wait until Promises that are returned from its to resolve.

Sorry about the potato quality example, been trying to think of a better example. Any suggestions ?

Hope this helps.