Building a Twitter Filter With CherryPy, Redis, and tweetstream

Building a Twitter Filter With CherryPy, Redis, and tweetstream
Photo by Brooke Lark / Unsplash


All the code is available at

Since reading this post by Simon Willison I've been interested in Redis and have been following its development. After having a quick play around with Redis I've been looking for a project to work on that uses Redis as a data store.

I then came across this blog post by Mirko Froehlich, in which he shows the steps and code to create a Twitter filter using Redis as the datastore and Sinatra as the web app.

This blog post will explain how I created in Python and the various listed tools below.


  • tweetstream - provides the interface to the Twitter Streaming API
  • CherryPy - used for handling the web app side, no need for an ORM
  • Jinja2 - HTML templating
  • jQuery - for doing the AJAXy stuff and visual effects
  • redis-py - Python client for Redis
  • Redis - the "database", look here for the documenation on how to install it

Retrieving tweets

The first thing we need to is retrieve tweets from the Twitter Streaming API. Thankfully there is already a Python module that provides a nice interface called tweetstream. For more information about tweetstream look at the Cheeseshop page for its usage guide.

Here is the code for the, which when executed as a script from the command-line will start streaming tweets from Twitter that contain the words "why", "how", "when", "lol", "feeling" and the tweet must end in a question mark.

import time

import redis
import tweetstream

from datetime import datetime

    import simplejson as json
    import json

class FilterRedis(object):

    key = "tweets"
    r = redis.Redis()
    num_tweets = 20
    trim_threshold = 100

    def __init__(self):
        self.trim_count = 0

    def push(self, data):
        self.r.push(self.key, data, True)

        self.trim_count += 1
        if self.trim_count >= self.trim_threshold:
            self.r.ltrim(self.key, 0, self.num_tweets)
            self.trim_count = 0

    def tweets(self, limit=15, since=0):
        data = self.r.lrange(self.key, 0, limit - 1)
        return [json.loads(x) for x in data if int(json.loads(x)['received_at']) > since]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fr = FilterRedis()

    words = ["why", "how", "when", "lol", "feeling"]

    username = "your twitter username"
    password = "password for twitter account"

    with tweetstream.TrackStream(username, password, words) as stream:
        for tweet in stream:
            if 'text' not in tweet: continue
            if '@' in tweet['text'] or not tweet['text'].endswith('?'):
            fr.push(json.dumps( {'id':tweet['id'],
            print tweet['user']['screen_name'],':', tweet['text'].encode('utf-8')

In this script I define a class, FilterRedis which I use to abstract some methods that will be used by both and later by the web app itself.

The important part of this class is the push method, which will push data onto the tail of a Redis list. It also keeps a count of items and when it goes over the threshold of 100 items, it will trim starting from the head and the first 20th elements (or the oldest tweets).

The schema for the tweet data that gets pushed into the Redis list is a dictionary
of values that gets jsonified (we can probably use then new Redis hash type);

   "id":"the tweet id",
   "text":"text of the tweet",
   "name": "name of the twitter user",
   "profile_image_url": "url to profile image",
   "received_at": time.time() 

'received_at' is important because we will be using that to find new tweets to
display in the web app.

Web App

I picked CherryPy to write the web application, because I wanted to learn it for the future when I need to write a small web frontends that dont need an ORM. Also, CherryPy has a built-in HTTP server that is sufficient for websites with small loads, which I initially used to run it is now being run with mod_python. For templating, I used Jinja2 because its similair in syntax to the Django templating language that I am familiar with.

The following is the code for which is the CherryPy application.

import time
import os

import cherrypy
import jinja2

from filter_daemon import *

    import json
    import simplejson as json

from simplejson import JSONEncoder
encoder = JSONEncoder()

def jsonify_tool_callback(*args, **kwargs):
  response = cherrypy.response
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
  response.body = encoder.iterencode(response.body) = cherrypy.Tool('before_finalize', jsonify_tool_callback, priority=30) 

root_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# jinja2 template renderer
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(root_path, 'templates')))
def render_template(template,**context):
  global env
  template = env.get_template(template+'.jinja')
  return template.render(context)

class Questions(object):
  _cp_config = { 

  fr = FilterRedis()

  def index(self):
    tweets =
    return render_template('index', tweets=tweets)

  def latest(self, since, nt):
    if not since:
      since = 0

    tweets =, since=float(since))
    return render_template('tweets', tweets=tweets)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The index (method) of the web app will get the all the tweets from Redis. The other exposed function is latest which accepts an argument since which is used to get
tweets that are newer (since is the latest tweets received_at value). nt is
used to create a different URL each time so that IE doesn't cache it. This method returns JSON at.

The templates are located in a directory called templates :)

Here is the template for the root/index of the site; index.jinja

<html xmlns="">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function refreshTweets() {
        $.getJSON('/latest', {since: window.latestTweet, nt:(new Date()).getTime()},
          function(data) {
            $('.latest').slideDown('slow', function() { $(this).removeClass('latest');});
            $('#content div:gt(50)').remove(); 
            setTimeout(refreshTweets, 10000);

      $(function() { setTimeout(refreshTweets, 10000); });

    <div id='content'>
    {% for tweet in tweets %}
      <h1><a href="{{ tweet.username }}/status/{{ }}" class="more">{{ tweet.username }}</a> </h1> 
          <img height=45 width=48 src="{{ tweet.profile_image_url }}">
          <span> {{ tweet.text }} <span>
    {% endfor %}

  {% if tweets %}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.latestTweet = {{ tweets.0.received_at }};
  {% else %}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.latestTweet = 0;
  {% endif %}

This template will be used to render a list of tweets and also assign the first
tweets recieved_at value to a variable on the window object. This is used by
the refreshTweets function which will pass it on to /latest in a GET parameter.
refreshTweets will try to get new tweets and prepend it to the content div
and then slide the latest tweets. This is the template used to render the HTML
for the latest tweets;

{% if tweets %}
<div class='latest' style='display:none;'>
{% for tweet in tweets %}
  <h1><a href="{{ tweet.username }}/status/{{ }}" class="more">{{ tweet.username }}</a> </h1> 
  <div class="entry">
      <img align='left' height=45 width=48 src="{{ tweet.profile_image_url }}"></img>
      <span> {{ tweet.text }}</span>
{% endfor %}

    window.latestTweet = {{ tweets.0.received_at }};
{% endif %}

I explicitly set the the latest div to "display: none" so that I can animate it.

Now we should be able to run to start retrieving tweets then start to look at the web app. On your browser go to https://localhost:8080/ and if everything went correctly you should see a list of tweets that update every 10 seconds.

Thats it. Hope this was helpful.